Chris's Aunt died in October 2008 and was recently given the honor of being entered into the Illinois Tennis Coaches Hall of Fame.
“Judy Elder liked to talk about how many of her tennis players’ pictures were hanging on the walls of Crystal Lake Central for academic honors.
Her interest in the person as well as the athlete, and her passion for tennis made her an iconic and beloved figure in her 31 years coaching the girls teams and 21 years leading the boys teams for the Tigers.
“She loved her kids,” said Jessica Fetzner, tennis coach at Prairie Ridge and Elder’s daughter.
“She would do anything to help them out and grow as people and tennis players,” Fetzner said.
In a fitting tribute, both mother and daughter were honored Tuesday by the Illinois High School Tennis Coaches Association. The association named Fetzner the Girls Head Coach of the Year; Elder was posthumously inducted into the Illinois Tennis Coaches Hall of Fame.” -- Hall inducts CLC’s Elder