Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Monday, February 16, 2009

A history of Valentines Day and Our day

Before I tell you about our day, let me give you a brief history of Valentine's Day. It dates back to the Emperor Cornelius II around the time of 246 AD. He wanted more soldiers to fight in the wars so decided to make getting marriage illegal. He thought that if men were married they would not be soldiers. A priest, St. Valentine, did not agree to this and married couples in secret. The government did not like this and wanted him to be a soldier and deny his Christian beliefs. He refused to do this and was sentenced to death. As he awaited his death, he wrote to his followers the following letter: Remember your Valentine. He was put to death on February 14th or the 24th in the year 246 or 247. We celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th so it can never fall on President's Day. I thought this was very interesting.
As I leave my teacher mode, Chris and I had a great Valentines Day. We slept in and then did some quick school work. We then went to Pink Panther 2. It is so funny!!! We then decided to go get new cell phones since our contract is almost up. We both love our new phones. I got a green (of course) Sony Ericsson and Chris got a Nokia Express Music. They both have camera phones so we have been taking lots of pictures of Sam. After we got our cell phones, we went to Walmart and did a little shopping. We then had a quck dinner of taco salads and spent a few hours playing with our phones and opening our presents. Not that eventful, but still fun.


Aaron and Kira Adams said...

sounds like a wonderful way to spend time together! I love getting new phones... but figuring them out is not the funnies!

Jenny said...

I'm glad that y'all had a good Valentine's Day. Thanks for the history lesson..I had no idea. :)