Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rain, Rain, and more Rain

I am so sick of rain. Today is June 13th, and it has rained in Utah the last 10 days. It is crazy. I am not talking about a light drizzle; it just pours here. I really hope it stops soon.
Yesterday, it did not rain. It was actually quite a nice day. Kenworth Trucking Company is a business partner with my school. They did a really good fundraiser just for our school yesterday. It was a car show with all the proceeds going to our school. They had some pretty neat cars there. I volunteered in the popcorn stand. It was a great event for our school.
Last night, our stake had a softball game, and Chris played in it. He did pretty good, but Katina's back started hurting really bad from sitting on the bleachers.
Not too much else has happened. I still have school until July 2nd. Chris started his new class on Wednesday. My mom is coming next weekend, so that will be fun.
Keep you updated. (Hopefully)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yay! You posted! Thanks for the update