Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tag: Kelsey

I was tagged.
Here are the rules:
1. Post rules on blog
2.Answer the 6 questions with 8 items
3.Tag 8 people

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. Biggest Loser
2. Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
3. Friends
4. Wife Swap
5. Home Improvement
6. Jeopardy
7. Howie Do It
8. CSI (the original one in Las Vegas)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. got a haircut
2. cleaned the condo
3. loved Sam the cat
4. returned phone calls
5. planned for school
6. watched TV
7. cuddled with my husband
8. made baked spaghetti for dinner

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Chris and I having health insurance
2. me getting a stable job that I love
3. having children
4. seeing my brother's family get a house
5. seeing Chris's siblings get married in the temple
6. the day my skin stops itching like crazy at night
7.seeing Aunt Judy again
8. buying a car

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Red Iguana
2. Olive Garden
3. Chuck-a-Rama
4. Burger King
5. Cafe Rio
6. Guadalohonkys
7. Leatherby's
8. P.F. Chang's

8 Things I Wish For:
1. a better job
2. David and Cindy to get a house
3. my dad to feel better
4. my grandma to be happy
5. my dad to join the church and my family to be sealed together for eternity
6. to be debt free
7. to have no regrets in life
8. to have Aunt Judy's words of wisdom when times are tough

8 People I Tagged:
1. Kira
2. Cynthia
3. Laura
4. Amber
5. Alicia
6. Christy
That is all because that are the friends that we have that blog.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

YEAH you did my tag! Thanks! So....once we venture to Utah again we should get together and eat at Olive Garden. :) I hope that things are going well for you! Love ya! :)