Katina celebrated her 30th birthday on the 6th. She went to book club that night and then her and Chris went to the Old Spaghetti Factory on that Saturday.
Katina got her coveted calling--Relief Society Instructor. She has always wanted to be a RS teacher because you only have to teach once a month and the women are so great at making positive comments. She teaches Teachings for Our Times and loves to study the conference talks. Chris was finally released as Scout Master and Deacon advisor. We don't think he will be without a calling for too long, though.
On the morning of the 19th, Katina got a call from her mother saying her dad was in the hospital. He had slipped on the ice after the basketball game and couldn't feel his feet or arms. Since they have lifeflight insurance, he was airlifted to Blackfoot due to the fog and then taken by ambulance to Idaho Falls. When the neurologist came to check him the next day, they ordered emergency surgery. They cut open his neck and fused the C4-C6 vertebrae. They originally told him he would have to stay in the hospital a month, but was only there two weeks. He looks like someone slit his throat! He got home on February 1st and will be in a walker to help him get around. He also has to wear a neck brace for awhile. He did get a blessing from the LDS missionaries in IF, which I believed helped him heal so quickly. It was a scary time for awhile, but we are grateful for all the support we have felt.
Right now, Chris is battling some nasty illness. It started as a head cold, but has turned worse with a cough. He got the flu shot and we are hoping the dr. can tell him what will make him feel better. Luckily, Katina and Daniel have not gotten it. (Cross your fingers!)
Daniel is still the busy body. He loves to chase the cat, pull the books off the book shelf and pull everything out of the kitchen cabinets. He weaned himself earlier in the month and is loving whole milk. We are trying to teach him not pull Sam's hair or tail. Luckily, Sam has only slapped him and not bitten him yet.
Daniel riding with grandpa in his wheelchair.
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