Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Saturday, February 2, 2013

January 2013

This month went by very quickly. The first weekend we had the wonderful opportunity to attend a sealing of an adopted baby to his parents in the temple. It was a wonderful sealing!! The temple is such a great place to spend a birthday weekend!
     My parents came down on January 7th before they flew down to Mississippi to visit my sister's family. We picked them up some food and visited with them for a little while. They flew back in on Saturday and we spent very little time downtown due to how cold it was. We enjoyed eating at the Red Iguana that Saturday night. On Sunday, we had to get up early to get both kids ready for church as we meet at 9 am this year. Kathryn was blessed that day. It was a great blessing. A lot of friends showed up to support us. We left after sacrament meeting because my parents had to go back to Idaho.
       Chris and Katina were both released from their callings this month. Chris got asked to coordinate service opportunities in the Elder's Quorum. Katina got released at the perfect time as there were 2 babies born, a surgery, and a funeral the week she was released. She did get a new calling, but cannot announce it because she has not been sustained yet (it will happen tomorrow).
        Our dear neighbor, Lynette Fisher (Grandma Nette to Daniel) passed away a couple of weeks ago. Daniel and I would go visit her nearly every day after his nap. She suffered from many health problems, but never complained about them. She shared many stories with us, and taught me so much about loving other people. She will be greatly missed.
         Daniel has very started singing recently. I catch him singing Primary songs and talking about nursery quite a bit. He has also been saying  a lot of prayers. He will repeat what we way and loves to shout "AMEN" very loudly at the end of his prayers.
         Kathryn has become quite the drama queen. She is extremely fussy, especially in the evenings. The doctor prescribed her some antacids thinking she might her reflux. She would either throw the medicine up or spit it out. The doctor doesn't think she has reflux anymore. She is just a fussy baby. We are hoping she grows out of it very soon.At her 2 month appointment, she weighed 11 lbs. 5 oz and was 23 1/2 inches tall. She is bigger than Daniel was at that age. She is very active and loves to be on the floor and kick around. She likes tummy time and is getting really good at holding her head up. She has the most adorable smile when she wants to smile. She is eating less, which is a big relief to Katina.
Kathryn in her blessing dress.

Kathryn at 6 weeks.

Kathryn at 2 months.

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