Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Monday, January 26, 2009

A foggy night and seeing the 129th temple

On Friday we took Sam in for his teeth cleaning. They have to put him to sleep to do this so they shaved a part of his front leg to put an IV in. Katina had a work conference to attend so she picked up Sam afterwards. As she was driving across the valley, the fog kept getting worse and worse. Sam was not a happy cat. He had not been fed all day and did not want to ride in the car at all. Normally he just meows like he is dying. Not on Friday! I could barely see the road for all the fog and at one point wondered if I was even on the road. At this moment Sam decides that he is not going to stay in his carrier any longer. He puts his head to the top and poked his whole head out of the zipper. I shove it back in there. The rest of the ride home he turns over and nearly knocks the carrier off the seat. The last thing I needed was a loose cat in the car during the fog. We got home in one piece.
You can see the incision from
the IV. We hope his hair grows
back soon!!

On Saturday we went to the Draper Temple Open House. Lani, our good friend from our old ward, went with us. She is handicapped so we were able to park at the temple. The only problem was that we couldn't find the temple. We have been up three times before, but all in the daytime. With it being night and raining really hard we totally got lost. We should have brought the GPS with us. After using a 1/4 tank of gas and driving all around, we finally found it. The temple was gorgeous! This open house was unlike any other. They didn't do the white booties and had no tour guide. We can't wait to go to this temple after it is dedicated!
I did not get any good pictures of the temple due to the weather. Don't worry I dd not take pictures inside the temple. These are copied from the newspaper. Isn't it beautiful!
the outside
a sealing room. I believe this is

the biggest sealing of any of the

temples. Can seat up to 60 people.

the celestial room


Aaron and Kira Adams said...

I got your message! Sorry it has been a crazy day. I thought I would call and then noticed the time so I thought I would post instead! We are free this weekend! So let us know what you decided and if you need a place to stay we have an extra room, let me know!

Jenny said...

Very beautiful! :)