Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pain and Lots of It

As most of you know, Katina has some back problems. She has to go to the chiropractor at least twice a month. She started having problems a few weeks ago and went to the chiropractor to get her back back in place. On Friday, she started feeling a little sore. She thought that just heat and cold would help. Saturday was the same. On Sunday, she felt horrible. She had to walk around during Sunday School just so she could sit during Relief Society. It felt like a giant weight was on my hips. I couldn't walk and when I did, my back was in an S shape. I was going to call in sick on Monday, but the 6th grade teacher I work was going to be gone and I had to get the stuff ready for the sub. I did go to the chiropractor on Monday. It wasn't the normal one I go to and he did not help me at all. I went to work a half day on Tuesday and took today off. Since I was going into muscle spasms while driving, Chris had to take me to my regular chiropractor on Tuesday. He told me my whole body is in a spasm and was able to get some of my back back into place. I feel a little better today, but still walk like an S and will fall if I move a certain way. A few more visits to the chiropractor should get me back into shape.
Last night our stake had a temple night. Because we missed the last one, Chris and I decided to do washings before the chapel session. I figured washings would be the least painful of all. We really enjoyed hearing from a member of the temple presidency. Being in this much pain has really put the Atonement in perspective for me. I have probably been in the worst pain of my life the last few days, but feel very grateful that our Savior has felt this amount of pain just for me. What a great love He has for us!

1 comment:

Fernandez Family said...

Back pain is the worst! I really love my chiropractor. He has saved me many times from excruciating pain. I have tried new ones like you did to have them do nothing. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you are feeling better soon.