Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scary Recess Moment

Katina had an interesting thing happen at work today. She was out at recess duty. She normally hates to have duty, but with the weather really nice it isn't too bad. She was standing about 10 feet away from the tetherball pole and was talking to some of the her students. One of those students started to swing on the chain and the whole pole fell over! It landed about 3 feet in front of Katina. She thought she was going to die. The student was okay and laughing about the whole thing. They ended up taking the pole out and and hammering the metal that was sticking out of the hole in the cement. What a crazy thing to have happen!

Wish Katina luck on Thursday. The teacher she is subbing for is going to be absent and the sub covering for her has to be gone for an hour. Katina is subbing for that substitute. It is her 6th grade class, so things could get very ugly. Two more days till she goes off track again!!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

WOW Katina! Only you could these things happen to. :) Good luck with your crazy have offically inspired me NOT to become a teacher....nursing here I come! :) (that way I can legally poke them with a needle..hehehe)