Anthony Archives

Anthony Archives

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our crazy cat

Here are some pictures of Sam, our crazy cat. Chris and I were on a SkipBo kick and Sam would climb onto the table and lay in the middle of the deck of cards.
On Tuesday, I took Sam in for his shots. I mentioned to the vet that he has been chewing on his front paw. When the vet examined him, he found a 3-inch sliver that had to be taken out and shaved off. He gave us antibiotics to give him morning and night, but since I am pregnant, I can't handle the medicine. That means I have to pick up Sam with a blanket and Chris has to put the dropper in Sam's mouth. He does NOT like this. Last night we noticed that Sam has been experiencing some diarrhea, probably from his medicine, in his litter box. Later, I saw that he had stepped in it with his back paw and wouldn't clean it. I filled the tub, and dunked him in there. He bolted out and then cleaned his paws really well. He was not a happy camper last night.

1 comment:

andreamichelle said...

Poor kitty! He looks pretty cute though.